Name: Francesco
Surname: Tomassoni Compagnucci Spagnoli
Age: 76
Profession: Plant Manager at ENI/AGIP plants for the treatment of natural gas (retired)
Education: Bachelor in Industrial Expert, Technical Chief
Hobbies: Sports Director of a basketball team, and currently very entertained with my granddaughters Sofia and Siria
Introduction: Who is Francesco Tomassoni?
Born in Cingoli (MC, Italy) at the end of the II World War (09/05/1945). Worked at the ENI Group (AGIP) as a technician in Natural Gas Treatment Plants, first at Basilicata and later at Abruzzo, up to my retirement (2002).
What is your professional career?
Technical employee in ENI/AGIP plants for the treatment of natural gas: from Shift Manager to Plant Manager.
How did you know about ADALIT?
It was with the Adalit L-1000, which I recently put back into operation, batch Oct 1999. The torch was part of a stock purchased by ENI (AGIP) for use in the EX Classified Areas due to the preventive measures implemented around the 2000 New Year. Given the many uncertainties in the run-up to the new century, because of the presence of “too many” zeros on the fateful date 01.01.00 (known as the Y2K problem), measures were taken to contain at full capacity, during a hypothetical shut-down of the computing systems, the gas supply for heating, civil and/or industrial uses. The Adalit L-1000 would have had to go into action for lack of lighting after the lock down of the Power Station but, fortunately, the computer systems continued their work without creating any problems and the flashlights were kept for inspection and maintenance.
Can you tell us about a significant experience where the lamp was key for safety at work?
There may not have been any really meaningful experiences, but flashlights have often been used in the dark areas of the power plants, classified as EX and confined spaces, thanks to their reliability and the power of light.
In your opinion, what are the main characteristics of an explosion proof torch?
Safety, reliability and robustness. I think Adaro is among the top experts, and specially thanks to the highest ATEX qualifications of its products.
How have torches changed over the years?
From what I have seen in your Newsletter, changes have occurred over the years, from the Adalit L-1000 to the current ones, exceed 20 years, reflect important aesthetic, technical and functional advances. My Adalit L-1000 had stopped working a some time ago, but I never thought about getting rid of it, at one point or another, I knew I would repair it, reminding me with a certain nostalgia, the use at work. In the end, I succeeded and the flashlight became one of my second granddaughter Siria’s favorite toys (4 years old) with whom I walk down the stairs of my building in the dark. While Sofia, my first granddaughter (11 years old), often asked me what was that “black thing” sitting on the shelf in the room where she often saw me busy with the computer, and that had never been used until now because it didn’t work.
How do you use your ADALIT L-1000 nowadays?
My Adalit L-1000 is no longer for a specific use, but I think it can be useful whenever I need to move with little lighting and/or no lighting. In addition to the above, there is also the use made by my granddaughter Siria, fascinated by flashlights in general and literally bewitched by this one that allows her to move the light beam simply by swivelling the head.