The color temperature is a concept of the Lighting Technology, being this the science in charge of the study of light. In general, it is a measure used to describe the tone of the light source, which can vary between colder and warmer.
It is calculated by comparing its color within the light spectrum with that of the light that will emit a black body heated to a given temperature. It only applies to white lights.
The unit of measurement used is Kelvin and a scale ranging from 1.000K to 10.000K is used.
Within this scale, colors can be classified into 3 main groups that are warm, neutral and cold: the warm color would be below 3.000K, the neutral color between 4.000K and 5.000K, and the cold color above 6.000K.
What is the ideal temperature?
The answer to this question is: Depends!
The choice varies depending on the results you want to obtain: comfort and relaxation (warm tones) or concentration and distinction of contrasts (cold tones). Neutral tones are more natural and do not provide the nuances of the previous ones.
Some examples of color temperature are:
- Candle light around 1.800K
- Incandescent lamps between 2.600K and 3.000K
- Midday light (Summer) 5.600K
- Adalit torches between 6.000K and 6.500K
- Clear blue sky 10.000K
At Adalit we opted for a cold LED color temperature, close to daylight. At the same intensity, a cold light generates more lumens, which translates into a greater perception of luminosity.